Your Guide to Advertising on TikTok

TikTok is a fast-growing social media platform that your business can incorporate into its marketing strategy.

TikTok is an optimal marketing platform because it has a large, highly invested user base. For example: 

Getting Started 

TikTok is very user-friendly.

Just download the app from the app store, put your account into a business mode, and start creating content. To post, click the + button, film the video with the effects you want, and then add a description, links, hashtags, and @ people. Your video can be between 15 seconds to 3 minutes. 

The material your business will post should look slightly different than that of your other social media sites. TikTok is a casual, fun, and humorous environment. The more your content aligns with these values, the better you’ll do. Brainstorm ways your content can be funny. Bonus points if you can add something cute (such as animals or children) into your videos. Finally, try using TikToks filters and jump on some TikTok trends. 

Advertising on TikTok

Running a successful business account is wonderful advertising as is. Plus, it’s free!

However, TikTok also offers a wide variety of paid advertising methods that your business may want to take advantage of. 

  • In-Feed Ads: these ads blend with other videos in the user’s feed. Users can like, comment, and share. However, they can also scroll past. Keeping your ads entertaining to watch will increase the likelihood that people will stay and watch.
  • Brand Takeover Ads: these pop up right when users enter the app and visit a specific category. Your ad will be the only one that users see in that category for that day. They come at the hefty price of $45,050 because your ad will reach a high volume of users. They also take up the entire screen. 
    Top-View Ads: think of these as delayed brand takeover ads that don’t cover the user’s fullscreen
  • Branded hashtag ads: these ads boost UGC (user-generated content) by challenging users to make content with your product and then post with your hashtag. Other users will then see these videos. Hashtag ads can be highly effective. For example, Samsung used the branded hashtag challenge to advertise their new Galaxy A. TikTokers were challenged to post when using features of the Galaxy A phone. This resulted in lots of UGC and over 158 million views. That’s a lot of advertising!
  • Branded effects ad: these allow businesses to advertise their product by creating a filter. It helps your business take advantage of the wide popularity of filters on TikTok. Users can then use this filter and post for others to see. It again helps generate UGC.
  • Influencer Advertising: You also have the option to reach out to influencers for them to advertise your product. This method can be quite effective. People look up to various celebrities and influencers. Therefore, when an influencer mentions liking or using a certain product, it can do wonders for your business. For example, in 2014, Kim Kardashian posted a picture of herself in a waist trainer. Prior to that day, not many people even knew what a waist trainer was. Afterward, waist trainer sales skyrocketed. The bottom line, having influencers promote your business can be widely successful. Just make sure the influencer aligns with your business’s product and values. Also, be cautious of your budget. More popular influencers charge more money. 

Pair TikTok with Print Advertising!

Don’t only rely on one form of advertising!

TikTok is ideal for targeting a young, international market. To have the most effective advertising campaign, utilize various advertising modes.

For example, pair print advertising with social media advertising.

Print will attract loyal customers who trust and support your business. It is cost-effective and diverse. You can advertise using banners, flyers, or even promotional products! 

5 Ways to Reconnect To Your Audience

The last year and a half with the COVID pandemic has been highly disruptive, breaking relationships and forcing distance between people in all facets of life.

Business hasn’t been excluded from that effect.

That’s why it’s more important now to reintroduce your products and services to clients and remind them that you exist, you can help, and you’re available for them.

Remember, out of sight is out of mind; clients forget why they used a service when there’s a lack of contact and frequency. And that leaves room for your market to erode and someone else to fill the gap if they happen to be present.

5 Ways to Reconnect To Your Audience

1. Be Proactive

Part of reconnecting means being proactive and reaching out again, even without an invite.

A client will be fine with communication most of the time, noting they forgot how much they relied on your service. Use that opener to remind them how valuable your support was for their needs. Even if they don’t need an order right away, get your presence and recognition back on their radar with a simple meet and greet through direct mail or an office visit.

2. Take the Blame for the Disconnect

Blame yourself for not staying in touch instead of letting the client feel guilty.

With so much happening, the last thing anyone wants is to feel criticized for not staying in contact. Instead, carry the blame and let them feel better about the disconnect, as well as note that you’re making amends and reaching out again.

It reframes the discussion, making the client feel comfortable and noting you want their attention and communication. You want them to feel valued.

3. Reposition Your Value

Clients can begin to forget why partnerships and support relationships existed.

As clients come back into the office again, you want them to remember why they used your service in the first place. Don’t let them guess, show them and reinform again.

4. Make Sure Contact Info is Updated

Most reconnects are not about a sale; they are about re-establishing a relationship.

Ideally, you want the client to have the latest means and contact info to reach out when their need is realized, and they have to act on it. People are more prone to work with a tried and true path. Make sure they have your current information, and it’s readily available to them.

5. Remind Your Clients Why You Appreciate Them

If one of your clients generated a referral over the last year, let them know you appreciated the help and support.

By communicating your gratitude for a referral or past sales, clients will likely do business with you again and send new referrals, both activities positively affecting your bottom line.

How-To Tips for Pain-Free Print Ordering

When you’re ready to bring your creative ideas to life in print, these tips will ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. 

Always Include High-Resolution Images

If you have specific images you want to be included in your print marketing, you need to use high-quality photos. If the images are not clear enough, they will not turn out well when printing. A few tips to keep in mind include:

  • Stay away from random images you find on the internet, as these usually do not show up clearly on the final print.
  • Use JPEG or TIFF files for your prints because these are easy and familiar file formats for the professional service.
  • Take advantage of preflight tools that can help you catch issues with your images before you submit them.

If you use high-resolution images, you place your order in the best position possible to be successful. 

Do Not Drag Logos Off of Your Website

If you are ordering branded content, you need to think carefully about where your logo comes from.

Ideally, you should use a high-resolution image or a preferable vector version of your logo. When you submit this image, try to avoid scanning your letterhead. Do not drag the logo off of your email signature or your website. Otherwise, this is not going to produce a high-quality image.

If you have questions about how to include the correct vector version of your logo, reach out to us ahead of time. 

Make Sure the Files Have Been Packaged in an Organized Way

When submitting a folder full of files to be printed, make sure they are organized clearly.

Go through the folder ahead of time, making sure you remove any old versions that should not be printed. If you include multiple versions of the same file, it will be more challenging to determine which one you want to use. 

If you have specialty fonts you want to be included, make sure you specify them. Ideally, the files you submit should already contain the fonts you want to use. This will ensure you are happy with the finished product. 

Ask Questions

When it comes to ordering professional print products, there is no such thing as a stupid question.

You need to know what you are ordering. If something is not clear to you, or if you do not understand specific jargon, make sure to ask. That way, you are not blindsided by the final product. If you think we need to know something before we start your order, make us aware. We want you to be delighted with the result.

Ready to get started? Give us a call today!