How to Develop an Abundance Mindset (and Why You Should)

An abundance mindset is when you believe there are enough resources in the world for everyone and are grateful for what you have. 

This is in opposition to the scarcity mindset, which believes the earth contains limited resources. This mindset creates an overly competitive lifestyle and envy for others because the person tends to focus on what they don’t have. This mindset is damaging because it promotes unhappiness and less fulfilling relationships. 

Why You Should Develop an Abundance Mindset

Having an abundance mindset helps you create a happier, more fulfilling life for yourself. 

It comes with many benefits. An abundance mindset … 

  • Promotes personal and professional success by letting you focus on the many opportunities.
  • Helps you feel confident and capable.
  • Generates creativity and motivation through a more proactive approach to life.
  • Makes you feel better about yourself.
  • Deepens your relationships. 

If you’ve been struggling with a lack of motivation, envy for others, and discontent with your present situation, try adopting an abundance mindset using the following strategies. 

Identify Your Negative Beliefs for an Abundance Mindset 

Everyone has subconscious beliefs about themselves. 

Sometimes these beliefs are negative and often untrue, limiting the person’s full potential because they’re held back by these beliefs. 

For example, someone may believe that they are destined for failure. This belief will hold you back from success, so working on changing it is important. 

  • Step 1: Identify your negative belief. In this case, it’s the belief that you are destined for failure.
  • Step 2: Ask yourself where this negative belief came from. Did it originate from past failures?
  • Step 3: Ask yourself if this belief is true. Do past failures guarantee future disappointments? Are you focusing on past failures and ignoring all your successes to maintain this negative belief?
  • Step 4: Ask yourself if this negative belief is helpful. If not, how damaging is it? How has it harmed you in the past? Where has it been influencing your behavior?
  • Step 5: Change your negative belief. By this point, hopefully, you’ve discovered your negative thought isn’t true, nor is it helpful. Start by telling yourself success is possible. Notice when your negative belief appears, and challenge it. 

Identifying, challenging, and changing your negative beliefs is difficult. However, keep at it; you’ll be better off in the long run. 

Be Grateful for an Abundance Mindset

Gratitude is when you focus on the good things in your life and be grateful for them. 

Everyone is subjected to positive and negative events throughout their day, and some days the balance is quite off. However, people can choose what they focus on. If you’re struggling, start by finding three things you’re grateful for daily.  

Go With the Flow for an Abundance Mindset

Many people hate change and fight against it. 

However, change is the one constant in this unpredictable world. View change as an opportunity for new experiences. Even if the situation seems like a step down from your previous one, try viewing it with curiosity. 

Do What You Love for an Abundance Mindset

Filling your life with people and activities you love will make it much easier to feel happy and grateful, promoting an abundance mindset. 

Don’t expect to love every part of your day, but if you dislike most of your days, perhaps it’s time to brainstorm ways to fill your life with more of what you love. 

Celebrate Your Success for an Abundance Mindset

Often success is brushed off, and each new milestone begins with a focus on the next goal. 

What is a past success, big or small, that you didn’t take the time to celebrate? Write it down and make time to celebrate it. Late is better than never. 

In the future, be on the lookout for your successes and accomplishments.

Following these tips will help you on your way to fostering a more abundant mindset. We hope an abundance mindset will benefit your personal life and your business. Good luck!   

3 Winning Direct Mail Campaign Ideas You Can Start Using Today

We’re proud to inform you that the reports of the supposed death of direct mail have been, as Mark Twain once said, “greatly exaggerated.”

Not only is direct mail just as effective as it ever was – it’s positively thriving. According to one recent study, the market for direct mail advertising is anticipated to grow from $71.57 billion in 2021 to a massive $72.67 billion by the end of 2022. Much of this has to do with the average return on investment for direct mail collateral is $4.09 for every $1.27 you spend getting those marketing materials out into the world.

But it can be challenging to know where to begin if you’ve been out of the direct mail world for a while or are wading into these proverbial waters for the first time. With that in mind, here are three winning direct mail campaign ideas that you can start using immediately.

3 Winning Direct Mail Campaign Ideas You Can Start Using Today

Taking Advantage of the Holidays

One of the best direct mail marketing campaign ideas you can start using immediately involves taking advantage of the holiday season – a time of year that is already upon us again.

Remember that while part of the goal of any marketing campaign is always to raise awareness for your brand and get the word out about your products and services, this is just one small portion of a much larger story.

Equally important is your ability to get in touch with people occasionally and simply remind them that you’re out there. Because of that, don’t hesitate to send out a simple postcard for Christmas or the New Year to wish people well. It doesn’t have to be overly “salesy” at all – it can be a simple message that illustrates that you care about your consumers, even when you’re not coming right out and asking them to buy something.

When executed correctly, you’d be surprised by the difference this can make in generating repeat sales from existing, satisfied customers.

The Benefit of Unusually Sized Mail

Another technique that you can use with direct mail, in particular, has to do with sending out unusually sized mail.

Think about it – part of why messages like emails are so easy to ignore is that they all blend together in someone’s mind. They all look the same, and they’re far too easy to archive when someone is wading through their email inbox in the morning.

But if you send out a piece of direct mail collateral that is slightly larger or shaped differently than every other piece of mail that someone receives that day, they’re going to notice. You immediately stand out, and at that point, you can use someone’s curiosity to your advantage.

Bridging the Gap Between Direct Mail and the Digital World

Finally, don’t be afraid to bring the benefits of both direct mail collateral and digital marketing together in innovative ways.

Always include information about the various social media channels you use, like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, which are great for allowing someone to get in touch with you in other ways quickly. This way, you can begin an experience with them through physical mail but give them the option to continue it over the Internet if that is their preference. 

If you’d like to find out more information about getting started today with any of these direct mail campaigns, or if you have any additional questions you’d like to go over with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact our team today! 

7 Top Tips to Get Creative With Offline Marketing

How do you maximize your investment in marketing? 

Utilize unique offline marketing techniques to get people’s attention!

There are countless ideas for getting inspired with offline marketing, from traditional to off-the-wall. Take what you can and let it spur some creativity in your minds. 

7 Top Tips to Get Creative With Offline Marketing

1. Get Creative With Your Business Card 

A business card is often the first impression, and you want to make it last.

Try printing it vertically, adding rounded corners, or creating a die-cut image. Use bold colors that stand out against the competition.

2. Hold In-Person Events 

According to the Event Marketing 2018 Report, 95% of marketers agree that live events give attendees a valuable opportunity to form in-person connections in an increasingly digital world.

Give people a chance to talk to you and others from your company, and create bonds that will last a lifetime. 

Don’t forget to have flyers, rack cards, brochures, and business cards ready for them to pick up.  

3. Volunteer 

Join volunteer organizations that will introduce you to other professionals who desire to help the community.

By getting out in the community, you will get your name out and help you build connections. Bring along your business cards so you can have some conversations about where you work and get information on others. 

4. Build Loyalty With Rewards

While investing in attracting new customers, don’t neglect opportunities for retaining existing ones.

Give away fun gifts with your logo: magnets, flashlights, Frisbees, T-shirts, mugs, water bottles, and more. These will keep the magic going after the sales call is over. 

5. Create a Game

Use a tailor-made BINGO card that leads them around the store, then leads to a prize if they get BINGO.

Have signs to advertise your newest game. Invite everyone to play and win prizes. 

6. Go Head-To-Head With the Competition

Don’t be afraid to promote your items over the competition.

If it makes sense, have a “taste test” as Coke and Pepsi did in the 1980s. Let the audience decide what items they like better. 

Be sure to have flyers made up to announce this event to let people know when it will be.

7. Take On Speaking Engagements 

Speaking at events puts you in front of your target audience and makes you an expert.

A speaking engagement puts you in front of a highly targeted and interested audience already primed and ready to pay attention to what you have to say.

It creates you as the go-to person for answers, which is a great position.

Take time to evaluate the best creative way to reach your customers. We all have an overflowing inbox. Instead, try something fresh and offline to capture your customer’s attention. 

When you want to make a statement offline, try some freshly printed marketing materials. That’s where we step in! 

We have what you need to make some fresh imprints on your customers. Contact us today!